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The Haps

Continuing to live; no big moves.

We have lit upon a good way to beemind our self-studying, and what seems like a sustainable pace of self-study as well. Currently working on 5 books, and aiming to finish notes/exercises on 1 chapter of each every 2 weeks. Currently working on The Complete Idiot's Guide to World History (don't laugh), Fogg's Tiny Habits, SICP, Bordwell's Film Art, and the first book in Janice Kim's 'how to play go' series.

It is currently a little over halfway through Horror Every Day October; we're six films behind schedule but I think we can catch up by month's end.

We did have a goal of 100 non-action films in a row, so as not to become too action fixated; unsure if we'll be counting these in the tally. I kinda want to though, bec Tjahjanto has a new film out I really want to peep.

On the literature front, we tried to get into both the Arden Shakespeare and Le Morte d'Arthur, and bounced off both. Finished Haldeman's The Forever War; not terrible. Partway through Iain M. Banks's Excession and that's holding our interest so far as well. We'll try getting back into Le Morte d'Arthur again next.

A time of learning in the gym at the moment; I want to hit the climbing strength standards, one of which is a 2xBW squat, so we are learning to squat. Dan John says the correct progression is goblet squat to learn the movement in general, overhead squat for the 'full body planking', front squat bec it keeps you super upright, and then the back squat comes naturally bec it's so much easier than the previous variants. So we're doing a lot of goblet squat and stick overhead squats.

The other strength standards are:

I imagine these should come reasonably easy; realistically they're not that tough, other than maybe the press.Remains to be seen though. Like I say, all we're doing now is learning the movements, patterning the squat and deadlift, dialing in breathing/bracing, etc.

I've been thinking about getting back into slacklining. Maybe I can get away with ground anchors in the backyard instead of having to hustle down to the park. We'll see. That'd be a spring/summer project anyway; I don't really slackline too much in the cold.