
The Haps

We have (I think) secured new roommate; we have successfully signed up for internet service since the downstairs neighbor we share internet with is moving out, despite Verizon goofing my order. We have applied for Biden's new student loan IDR, although I think I read that its validity is being challenged in court, which bodes ill; fuck off republicans and let me get my student loan cancelled i ain't even go to an ivy league. What can you do.

Practicing dulcimer; I see what all the people say about music being magical. I also see what they say about good musicianship taking an obsessive amount of work though.

Also practicing Go; similarly rewarding but requires much effort.

Have recently hit 105# press, and can do a full ab wheel extension. Pullups are rehabbed and now we're building up volume; up to daily work sets of three. After I get tired of easy strength I think the plan is to run the Bechtel one arm pull up plan and RCTM hangboard phase. We aren't climbing currently but we would like to be and the best we can do at the moment is try to look and feel like the Atomik Yaniro poster.

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